WIN Health Institute Blog / Community Forum Entries.
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Bad News About Artificial Sweeteners

ZERO-CALORIE ARTIFICIAL sweeteners meant to reduce consumption of sugar are being linked to diabetes and obesity.A new study presented Sunday at the 2018 Experimental Biology meeting examined the biochemical effects of artificial sweeteners in rats and cell cultures. Researchers fed one group of rats a diet high in glucose or fructose, different types of sugars, and another group a diet with aspartame or acesulfame potassium, common zero-calorie artificial sweeteners. After three weeks,...
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Good Morning America Spotlights Chiropractic

This week has proven to be successful for the chiropractic profession, as noteworthy media coverage swept the nation!
Recently, Good Morning America – the most watched morning show for most of 2017 – aired a segment about low back pain after new research published in The Lancet surfaced. Encouraging non-pharmacological pain management options prior to utilization of prescription opioids, Good Morning America encouraged its viewers to stay active, apply heat and receive spinal...
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Human Brain Facts

How much does your brain know about…itself? Although there are still many brain facts yet to be discovered, experts learn more each day about the structure and inner workings of the body’s most complex organ. This research not only helps scientists understand what makes us who we are, but could also lead to treatments for a variety of neurological disorders. Put on your thinking cap and noodle on these five fascinating facts about your brain.
It’s mostly water.
As a whole, the human brain...
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Magnesium Health Benefits

The crucial health benefits of magnesium include solving or preventing osteoporosis, heart attacks, hypertenstion, constipation, migraines, leg cramps, kidney stones, gallstones and more. Magnesium is an essential part of the alternative health approaches of alternative medicine.
According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium “helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm...
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Foot Pain Treatments

Roughly 10 percent of the adult population suffers from the type of heel pain known as plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the thick fascia tissues of the heels. It’s a common running injury and usually triggered due to overuse of the feet during exercise, or from working out with poor form. It can affect either one heel at a time (usually in the dominant foot), or both simultaneously.
Facts About Plantar Fasciitis:
Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause...
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Telomere Tips

Forget “you’re only as old as you feel” or “age is just a number.” Soon, the saying on everyone’s lips might be “you’re only as old as your telomeres are short.”
As researchers learn how to naturally slow aging to keep us looking and feeling young, they’re looking at telomeres, the parts of chromosomes that control aging, for the answers. And with possible links to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer, the...
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Stevia VS Sugars

Sugar — we all crave it. It’s sweet and makes basically everything taste better. If you’re one of the many people who have tried to cut back on sugar, you know how difficult it can be. Some people may even experience withdrawals. This is all due to the fact that when we eat sugar, we become addicted to it.
When we eat foods high in sugar, the reward centers of the brain are activated. At the same time, a large amount of dopamine is released. This is what makes eating sugar feel so good....
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Myelin Support to Reclaim Your Brain

Myelin is a fatty, white substance that wraps around the end of many nerve cells. Myelin is critical for optimal brain function and mental health. It forms an electrically insulating sheath that increases nerve condition speeds. In other words, it allows your brain to send information faster and more efficiently, making it absolutely essential for the optimal functioning of your nervous system.
So not surprisingly, it plays a key role in determining intelligence and improving cognitive...
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Fluoride Toxicity

Fluoride is a highly toxic substance. Consider, for example, the poison warning that the FDA now requires on all fluoride toothpastes sold in the U.S. or the tens of millions of people throughout China and India who now suffer serious crippling bone diseases from drinking water with elevated levels of fluoride.
In terms of acute toxicity (i.e., the dose that can cause immediate toxic consequences), fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic. This is why...
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Foods to Unclog Your Arteries

If your goal is to restore or maintain a healthy heart, there are a variety of foods that can help to unclog arteries of plaque build-up, lower your blood pressure, and reduce inflammation – the main culprits of cardiovascular illness.
Many of the foods on this list contain healthy fats, antioxidants, and soluble fiber which are great not only for your heart, but also to promote healthy skin, hair, hormone production, and nutrient absorption. You can feel better, have more energy, and...
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