Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Can Be Harmful

What harm can having too little of vitamin B12 do? Consider this: Over the course of two months, a 62-year-old man developed numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation in his hands, had trouble walking, experienced severe joint pain, began turning yellow, and became progressively short of breath. The cause was lack of vitamin B12 in his bloodstream, according to a case report from Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital published in The New England Journal of Medicine. It...
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Signs And Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia, is an often overlooked health problem.
This can lead to serious side effects such as heart problems, which can include high blood pressure or heart attack. Reaction frequencies are calculated as the number of patients who used AXERT ® and reported a reaction divided by the total number of patients exposed to AXERT ® (n=3047, all doses). Pain intensity was assessed using a numeric rating scale (NRS) from time 0 through to 72 hours...
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Carbs – Good VS. Bad

About every six months, a new study comes out pitting high-carb vs high-protein (usually higher-fat) diets. Sometimes carbs win. Sometimes protein wins. But what’s most important in terms of shedding excess weight and living healthier isn’t really about carbs vs protein. It’s about good carbs vs bad carbs.
Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs
Some carbs truly are bad. And some carbs are tremendously good for you. How do you know the difference?
New onset of low libido can be a symptom...
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Polyphenols – What and Why

You know how the doctor or nutritionist says that you should eat more fruits and vegetables because they are good for you? Well, it’s not just because they are good for your digestion. It’s largely because of the nutrients and polyphenols in these plants.
Your body always needs both macro and micro nutrients to function optimally, fight off diseases, get the appropriate nutrition, boost your immune system, eliminate free radicals, slow down the aging process, reduce inflammation which...
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Bad News About Artificial Sweeteners

ZERO-CALORIE ARTIFICIAL sweeteners meant to reduce consumption of sugar are being linked to diabetes and obesity.A new study presented Sunday at the 2018 Experimental Biology meeting examined the biochemical effects of artificial sweeteners in rats and cell cultures. Researchers fed one group of rats a diet high in glucose or fructose, different types of sugars, and another group a diet with aspartame or acesulfame potassium, common zero-calorie artificial sweeteners. After three weeks,...
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Magnesium Health Benefits

The crucial health benefits of magnesium include solving or preventing osteoporosis, heart attacks, hypertenstion, constipation, migraines, leg cramps, kidney stones, gallstones and more. Magnesium is an essential part of the alternative health approaches of alternative medicine.
According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium “helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm...
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Telomere Tips

Forget “you’re only as old as you feel” or “age is just a number.” Soon, the saying on everyone’s lips might be “you’re only as old as your telomeres are short.”
As researchers learn how to naturally slow aging to keep us looking and feeling young, they’re looking at telomeres, the parts of chromosomes that control aging, for the answers. And with possible links to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer, the...
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Stevia VS Sugars

Sugar — we all crave it. It’s sweet and makes basically everything taste better. If you’re one of the many people who have tried to cut back on sugar, you know how difficult it can be. Some people may even experience withdrawals. This is all due to the fact that when we eat sugar, we become addicted to it.
When we eat foods high in sugar, the reward centers of the brain are activated. At the same time, a large amount of dopamine is released. This is what makes eating sugar feel so good....
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Foods to Unclog Your Arteries

If your goal is to restore or maintain a healthy heart, there are a variety of foods that can help to unclog arteries of plaque build-up, lower your blood pressure, and reduce inflammation – the main culprits of cardiovascular illness.
Many of the foods on this list contain healthy fats, antioxidants, and soluble fiber which are great not only for your heart, but also to promote healthy skin, hair, hormone production, and nutrient absorption. You can feel better, have more energy, and improve your heart health without the use of toxic chemicals.
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Fruit and veg: For a longer life

Eating loads of fruit and vegetables – 10 portions a day – may give us longer lives, say researchers. The study, by Imperial College London, calculated such eating habits could prevent 7.8 million premature deaths each year. The team also identified specific fruit and veg that reduced the risk of cancer and heart disease. The analysis showed even small amounts had a health boon, but more is even better.
A portion counts as 80g (3oz) of fruit or veg – the equivalent of a small...
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