Garlic – The Latest Antibiotic

Here is some new news about using food as medicine…. Urinary tract infections are the second most common infection, with as many as 8.1 million doctor visits per year, according to statistics from US Health and Human Services. Physicians are concerned about an ever increasing number of cases resistant to the antibiotics Ciprofloxacin and Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ). A new study shows that garlic may be a novel solution.
Researchers at the Birla Institute of Technology and...
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Chronic Pain (and many other ailments): Relieved by Chiropractic Care

Dr Dave agrees that: Chiropractic treatment for health problems is not always considered when it comes to healing, but you may be surprised to find that relief from some of most chronic pains could be helped by a few chiropractic sessions.
As an alternative form of medical treatment, chiropractic care is generally geared towards helping patients with back, neck and joint pain. Dr. Hamza Saif, an Ottawa-based chiropractor at the Hunt Chiropractic Clinic, says the treatment can also improve symptoms and effects of common illnesses to improve overall quality of life.
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Brain Fog: Why Isn’t My Brain Working?

Brain Fog: Why Isn’t My Brain Working?
(This is a review of the book by the same name, recommended by Dr. Dave. It is available on the My
Remedy Shop website.)
by Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS, MNeuroSci, FAACP, DACBN, DABCN, DIBAK, CNS (View Dr Kharrazian’s bio at the end of this article).
This new book offers a revolutionary understanding of brain decline and effective strategies to recover your brain’s health!
Have you noticed that your brain function not what it used to...
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Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral (cranialsacral) therapy is a holistic healing practice which employs extremely light finger pressure focused primarily on the head, spine and sacrum.
The History of Craniosacral
Laying on of hands for healing is as old as humanity. The earliest written reference to “movement of spinal nerves” and its importance is found in the I-Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes which is 4000 years old. The ancient Chinese called craniosacral work “the...
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Bright Eyed, Sleepy Baby

Bright Eyed, Sleepy Baby
One of my favorite experiences in practice has been repeated numerous times – treating the colic baby. Most people know it’s tough to be with a screaming infant that seemingly refuses to be consoled. The situation is made worse since baby can’t communicate what’s wrong. Finding it impossible to calm their child, caring parents are often torn by feelings of helplessness while, at the same time, being driven crazy by the noise!
One particular...
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Acupuncture (Chinese Medicine)

Acupuncture (Chinese Medicine)
Acupuncture: the use of fine sterile needles at acupuncture points along the body that work to adjust the flow of qi (often translated as vital energy) related to a particular organ system or meridian. Balancing qi helps the body maintain or return to a state of health.
Pulse Diagnosis: A method of palpation diagnosis. Pulse diagnosis is done by feeling the pulse above the wrist where the radial artery throbs. The length, size, rate, and rhythm are...
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What is Massage Therapy Like?

What is Massage Therapy Like?
Most people receive massages in an established office that is designed for massage. The environments vary, but the most common is a commercial setting, such as a spa, wellness center, or massage clinic. However, massage is becoming increasing common in other settings such as hospitals and rehabilitation clinics. On site chair massage is also offered in environments such as malls or airports, sporting events, or private parties.
This section describes a visit to a...
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Alternative Medicine Gaining Acceptance
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