Special Alert: CBS News Segment

Condensed from a F4CP article for Dr. David Jensen. Please contact the WIN Health Institute for treatment scheduling or if you have...
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Good Morning America Spotlights Chiropractic

This week has proven to be successful for the chiropractic profession, as noteworthy media coverage swept the nation!
Recently, Good Morning America – the most watched morning show for most of 2017 – aired a segment about low back pain after new research published in The Lancet surfaced. Encouraging non-pharmacological pain management options prior to utilization of prescription opioids, Good Morning America encouraged its viewers to stay active, apply heat and receive spinal...
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Stevia VS Sugars

Sugar — we all crave it. It’s sweet and makes basically everything taste better. If you’re one of the many people who have tried to cut back on sugar, you know how difficult it can be. Some people may even experience withdrawals. This is all due to the fact that when we eat sugar, we become addicted to it.
When we eat foods high in sugar, the reward centers of the brain are activated. At the same time, a large amount of dopamine is released. This is what makes eating sugar feel so good....
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Arthritis Treatment Recommendation

Chronic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis definitely has its ups and downs.
But chiropractic care helps sufferer Kathryn Sundquist to have more “ups.”
Thanks to regular chiropractic adjustments, Kathryn lives her life to the fullest.
A 16-year old dancer, student and 2017 National Walk To Cure Arthritis Young Adult Honoree who was diagnosed with JA at seven-years old, she incorporates drug-free strategies into her life — and is able to be the healthiest, most active version of herself....
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Opioid Awareness Month

A resolution supporting the goals of ending opioid abuse, advancing utilization of drug-free chiropractic care, and designating September 2017 as Drug-Free Pain Management Month.
Whereas, prescription opioid use and abuse leading to addiction and catastrophic outcomes has become a national crisis;
Whereas the leading cause of injury death in the United States is drug overdose, and a majority of the deaths from drug overdose deaths involved an opioid; Whereas from 1999 to 2014, more...
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7 Signs of Opioid Addiction

Seven Signs and Symptoms: Opioid Prescription Danger.
When a physician prescribes an opioid — such as oxycodone (OxyContin, Roxicodone) and those containing hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab, Norco) — to help you or a loved one to manage nagging back pain, the last thing on your mind is that the drug is addictive and may lead to dependency, drug abuse, or even death.
Think Again.
Addiction can happen quickly — within a few weeks — and depends upon the...
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