Vitamin B6 Health Benefits

The health benefits of Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxamine include stimulating co-enzymatic activities, protecting the immune system, and having positive effects on metabolism, premenstrual syndrome, hormone control, emotional disorders, skin conditions, cardiac diseases, kidney disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, anemia, arthritis and influenza.
Vitamin B6, also know as Pyridoxamine, plays an essential role in human life, when health is being considered as an important issue. If you...
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7 Proven COQ10 Supplement Benefits

If you are getting older, chances are, you’re CoQ10-deficient. In fact, the older you get the lower your CoQ10 count gets; it hardly seems fair. With the increasing amount of health ailments you have to worry about as you age, you have to worry about this now too?
Fortunately, there is a CoQ10 supplement you can take to make up for this deficiency, so that is one less worry you can cross off your list. CoQ10 mimics the antioxidant naturally produced in your body and certain foods. Present in...
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Vitamin B12 Health Benefits

Vitamin B12 Analyzed
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement and a prescription medication. Vitamin B12 exists in several forms and contains the mineral cobalt, so compounds with vitamin B12 activity are collectively called “cobalamins”. Methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin are the forms of vitamin B12 that are active in human metabolism.
Vitamin B12 is required for proper red...
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Glutathione For Disease Prevention

Glutathione is a naturally occurring chemical used by the human body to protect against chemical and environmental threats. As a consequence of aging, lifestyle, diet, and disease, a gap can develop between the needs and availability of Glutathione. Glutathione decreases in association with risk factors for disease and undergoes a variation with lowest values beginning in the morning and extending through midday. Decreased Glutathione has been associated with specific diseases, including...
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Scientific Review of Curcumin

The evidence is growing that curcumin, the substance in tumeric, should take a bigger role in the human diet for its ability to act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering agent.
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Brain Fog: Why Isn’t My Brain Working?

Brain Fog: Why Isn’t My Brain Working?
(This is a review of the book by the same name, recommended by Dr. Dave. It is available on the My
Remedy Shop website.)
by Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS, MNeuroSci, FAACP, DACBN, DABCN, DIBAK, CNS (View Dr Kharrazian’s bio at the end of this article).
This new book offers a revolutionary understanding of brain decline and effective strategies to recover your brain’s health!
Have you noticed that your brain function not what it used to...
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The Magical D Word

The Magical D Word
Last week, I had a turkey dinner with my MD brother, who opined that the best thing since sliced bread, at least today, is Vitamin D. He touted numbers that imply that daily 1,000 mg doses of Vitamin D tends to lessen a person’s tendency for various cancers, and, in this day of approaching geezerdom, reduced incidences of Alzheimer’s disease. Since I am always looking for the ever-elusive silver bullet, I took great interest in his statements.
In my...
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