Healthier hearts equal healthier guts

It turns out that exercise can do more than slim down your waistline and boost heart health. It might also make what’s inside your gut healthier, according to a new study by San Francisco State University.
Intravenous pharmacokinetics of albuterol was studied in a comparable group of 16 healthy male volunteers; the mean terminal half-life following a 30-minute infusion of 1. Well okay, one or two worked, but the people that answered were strangers and didn’t know what I was talking...
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CoQ10: ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol

Visit the vitamin and supplement aisle in any drug or grocery store, and there is most likely an entire space filled with CoQ10 products. Google “CoQ10” and nearly 7 million results appear. Read about nutrients for heart function support and CoQ10 is sure to be featured. Without a doubt, people are talking about CoQ10 in a number of different spaces. Have you joined the conversation?
At My Remedy Shop, we see and hear about questions people are having about CoQ10, and have taken particular...
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