Myelin Support to Reclaim Your Brain

Myelin is a fatty, white substance that wraps around the end of many nerve cells. Myelin is critical for optimal brain function and mental health. It forms an electrically insulating sheath that increases nerve condition speeds. In other words, it allows your brain to send information faster and more efficiently, making it absolutely essential for the optimal functioning of your nervous system.
So not surprisingly, it plays a key role in determining intelligence and improving cognitive...
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See a Chiropractor for Other Existing Ailments

Dr. Dave wants to pass this information to you from the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress….
Chiropractic treatment for health problems is not always considered when it comes to healing, but you may be surprised to find that relief from some of most chronic pains could be helped by a few chiropractic sessions.
As an alternative form of medical treatment, chiropractic care is generally geared towards helping patients with back, neck and joint pain. Dr. Hamza Saif, an Ottawa-based...
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More About Your Gut Bacteria

It is eye-opening to take a step back and recognize that so many aspects of our physiology are actually under the control of the countless microbes that live within the intestine. The 100 trillion intestinal bacteria that make up what is called the human microbiome are involved in countless functions that have a profound effect on our health, risk for disease, longevity, mood, and even whether we are slender or fat.
In the past, we have been led to believe that bacteria were basically to be...
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