Osteoporosis – Natural Treatments

Osteoporosis refers to a loss of bone mass in which the bones become porous and fragile. Our bones are constantly being remodeled, with bone tissue being broken down and rebuilt on a regular basis. Osteoporosis is when small holes or weakened areas are formed in the bone that can lead to fractures, pain, and a Dowager’s hump. It is generally seen in older women over the age of 50.Bone density (the degree of mineralization of the bone matrix) usually increases until about the age of 30, but...
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The Magical D Word

The Magical D Word
Last week, I had a turkey dinner with my MD brother, who opined that the best thing since sliced bread, at least today, is Vitamin D. He touted numbers that imply that daily 1,000 mg doses of Vitamin D tends to lessen a person’s tendency for various cancers, and, in this day of approaching geezerdom, reduced incidences of Alzheimer’s disease. Since I am always looking for the ever-elusive silver bullet, I took great interest in his statements.
In my...
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Heart Health – Maybe what you have always been told is not the truth!

Heart Health- Maybe what you have always been told is not the truth!
The term “heart disease” is often used interchangeably with the term “cardiovascular disease.” Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke. The science on heart disease has changed a lot over the last few years. Cholesterol sticks to the blood vessels and causes the narrowing or...
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