Osteoporosis – Natural Treatments
Osteoporosis refers to a loss of bone mass in which the bones become porous and fragile. Our bones are constantly being remodeled, with bone tissue being broken down and rebuilt on a regular basis. Osteoporosis is when small holes or weakened areas are formed in the bone that can lead to fractures, pain, and a Dowager’s hump. It is generally seen in older women over the age of 50.Bone density (the degree of mineralization of the bone matrix) usually increases until about the age of 30, but after that, osteoporosis can set in resulting in more bone being lost than can be rebuilt. Eventually, bones become brittle and easily fractured.
The main causes of osteoporosis include:
Hormonal imbalances
Long-term use of certain medications
Steroid use
Low vitamin D levels
Emotional stress
Nutritional deficiencies
Causes and Symptoms
Osteoporosis can be influenced by the following risk factors:
Genetics – Women are more at risk, but anyone of thin build and of Northern European or Asian descent is at higher risk. Studies of mothers and daughters have shown that heredity plays a role in bone density.
Menopause – Particularly in those not taking hormone replacement therapy.
Poor intake of calcium – Calcium intake in the diet plays a vital role in bone mineralization during the growth years and is essential to depositing an abundant supply of calcium into the bones. Even after maximum bone mass has been achieved, calcium intake continues to be important to help slow down bone loss later in life. Dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium, but many people choose not to eat them or can’t tolerate them because of lactose intolerance or allergy. Other food sources of calcium are canned sardines, dark green vegetables like broccoli, collard greens and bok choy, as well as tofu and calcium-fortified juices and soy milk. However, a supplement is recommended to ensure you are getting enough.
Lack of Vitamin D – Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in allowing the body to absorb calcium. Vitamin D is synthesized naturally in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. It is also available in fortified milk and cereals. However, many people do not produce enough vitamin D or get enough from food. Vitamin D deficiency can be a problem for older people and those who are homebound or bed-ridden.
Inactivity – Weight-bearing activities such as walking, jogging and weight training help to maintain bone density. A sedentary lifestyle promotes bone loss as well as muscle loss. Conversely, muscle use promotes the building of bone. Regular physical activity strengthens both muscles and bones, slows down bone loss and decreases the risk of injury from falls.
Smoking – The relationship between bone loss and smoking has been confirmed by numerous studies. However, once you quit smoking, even later in life, the bone loss influenced by this habit can be minimized.
Excessive alcohol intake – People who drink alcohol to excess are more prone to fractures. This may be partially due to the diuretic effect of alcohol, which induces calcium losses through the urine. Alcohol can also decrease the absorption of calcium from the intestines and cause deficiencies in vitamin D and magnesium – both of which are important to bone health.
High sodium intake – Several studies have demonstrated the harmful effects of high dietary sodium on bone integrity. Reducing sodium intake can reduce bone loss considerably.
Coffee – Coffee consumption of more than two cups a day may contribute to accelerated bone loss.
High consumption of animal protein – Some studies have shown that a diet high in animal protein actually promotes bone loss by leaching calcium from the bones, although the verdict is still out on this issue.
A high acid-ash diet – Recent research has suggested that eating an acid-ash producing diet (high in animal protein and grains, low in vegetables and fruit) causes an increase in urinary excretion of calcium, leading to bone loss.
Medications – Certain medications, such as steroids and anticonvulsants, may contribute to bone demineralization.
Certainly men are not immune to osteoporosis. Bone loss is more gradual in men, but once they reach age 70 their risk for osteoporosis increases significantly. Men in this age group are at increased risk for fractures, particularly if they are sedentary and have a diet low in calcium.
The most accurate testing method to measure bone density and diagnose osteoporosis is the DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry), which uses a computer to scan an image of the hip and spine. Less accurate screening methods are now available in pharmacies and at health fairs. X-rays, which were used in the past, are not sensitive. At least 25 percent of bone loss has to occur before osteoporosis can be diagnosed from a routine X-ray.
The good news is there are osteoporosis natural treatments that are highly effective and an osteoporosis diet that can boost bone density.
Suggested Lifestyle Changes for Osteoporosis Treatment
Get enough calcium. Choose organic, high quality dairy products such as yogurt and non-fat milk. Eat more sardines (with bones), dark green vegetables like collard greens, bok choy and broccoli, soy products like tofu, and calcium-fortified soy milk and orange juice. Consider taking a calcium supplement for osteoporosis treatment if you are not eating at least three servings of dairy per day and/or calcium-fortified foods, if you are postmenopausal or if you have a family history of osteoporosis.
Make sure you get enough vitamin D. Recommended supplement amount of 2,000 IU daily for adults.
Decrease your sodium intake. Avoid salty processed foods and fast food. Don’t salt your food before tasting it.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. Potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and beta carotene (found in fruits and vegetables) have been associated with higher total bone mass. A diet rich in vegetables and fruit and moderate in animal protein and grains may minimize the acid-ash residue of the diet, good for osteoporosis treatment.
Limit caffeine intake.
Avoid alcohol or drink only in moderation.
Increase weight-bearing activities, such as walking, weight training and calisthenics. Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
Nutrition and Supplements for Osteoporosis Treatment
In addition to the nutrition information above, research has indicated that magnesium and vitamin K may be helpful in reducing bone loss. Consider incorporating the following into your diet and daily routine:
Eat calcium-rich foods every day. In addition to the dairy foods already discussed, you’ll find calcium in fortified soymilk, some tofu, sesame seeds and black-eyed peas. Blackstrap molasses, poppy seeds, almonds and figs are also good sources of calcium.
Eat magnesium-rich foods every day. Our menu plan is rich in these foods which include spinach, tofu, almonds, broccoli and lentils. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are also good sources of magnesium.
Eat vitamin K-rich foods every day. The best sources are green leafy vegetables (see the calcium-rich greens listed above), but most vegetables are good sources.
The following are nutrients, botanicals and other compounds that Dr. Weil often recommends for persons diagnosed with osteoporosis, as well as for those who want to help prevent the disease – great for osteoporosis treatment.
A calcium/magnesium supplement – Although most forms of supplemental calcium are acceptable, calcium citrate appears to be better absorbed, especially in older adults. To ensure maximum absorption, take with meals and limit to 250 mg per dosage. Magnesium is also an important mineral in the bone matrix, and is usually provided with calcium to offset some of its constipating effects. Other supplements, such as vitamin D, may also be combined with calcium supplements.
Vitamin D – Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in nutrition by facilitating the absorption of calcium, thereby helping to support healthy and strong bones. It also is an important nutrient for promoting bone mineralization in concert with a number of other vitamins, minerals, and hormones.
Vitamin K – More recently identified as an important nutrient in bone health, vitamin K helps activate certain proteins that are involved in the structuring of bone mass. Talk with your doctor about the effects of vitamin K if you are taking a blood-thinning medication.
Remember that more isn’t always better: Too much calcium has risks
Dietary calcium is generally safe, but more isn’t necessarily better, and excessive calcium doesn’t provide extra bone protection.
If you take calcium supplements and eat calcium-fortified foods, you may be getting more calcium than you realize. Check food and supplement labels to monitor how much total calcium you’re getting a day and whether you’re achieving the RDA but not exceeding the recommended upper limit. And be sure to tell your doctor if you’re taking calcium supplements.
This information was condensed from articles by Dr. Weil, Dr. Axe, and the Mayo Clinic for Dr. David Jensen
Tags: alternative medicine benefits, calciium, Diet, exercise, Osteoporosis, Vitamin D Benefits