Opioids Special Alert

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SPECIAL ALERT From Dr. Dave and F4CP:Dr. Dave and Foundation for Chiropractic Progress

New Poll Shows Rx Painkillers Most Common Treatment for
Patients Seeking Care for Back Pain

NPR (National Public Radio) and Truven Health Analytics, the most prominent and credible source of healthcare data and analytics, recently published a new poll.

This current validation only strengthens our resolve to be the primary, first-line option for pain management.

Anil Jain, MD, Vice-President and Chief Health Informatics Officer, Value-Based Care, IBM Watson Health says, “Experiencing back pain is very common among Americans, and there are a number of factors that can contribute to it, some of which are treatable without prescription pain killers. This data shows that when patients do seek care, they are offered prescribed pain-killers. Compounding this challenge, back pain sufferers who are prescribed opioids for pain may be particularly at risk for dependency and addiction. Curbing inappropriate opioid prescriptions for chronic pain is a focus of efforts by providers to combat the current opioid epidemic.”

To view the poll’s key findings, click here.

The Foundation’s Opioid Abuse Campaign, Save Lives. Stop Opioid Abuse. Choose Chiropractic., is exquisitely timed.

We want to touch every consumer in the U.S. with the message that chiropractic is a safer strategy than opioids.

This article was originally produced by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress and is sponsored on WinHealthInstitute.com by Dr. David Jensen.

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